New Single old song
Working on a lot of stuff in my subterranean man cave studio. Here is one song Technologic Man
Working on a lot of stuff in my subterranean man cave studio. Here is one song Technologic Man
Fun afternoon at Sierra Neveda. Felt like a (folk) Rock Star! Some good tracks being mixed down... I'll put them up soon...
Several gigs this month. My Big One is October 30 at Sierra Nevada with Eric and Paul, Sam on bass, Tyler on drums. Sunday 2-5. Hope to...
Finally some good sound w video from the July gig at Oskar Blues! Search for me on you tube... No "a"
Have some upcoming gigs and new music to go with them. And really will put up really good sounds from Oskar Blues this Summer... With...
More gigs coming up w Paul McIntire that (really good) electric violin player. Also will have an EP from my show at Oskar Blues w Paul...
A great Jam at Oskar Blues in Brevard yesterday. Besides getting bit on the thumb by my dog Monday, having a head cold arrive the day...
Sunday July 11 Oskar Blues 3-5 Eric Congdon and Paul McIntire Join Steve, Jim, Tyler and myself for a true Folkadelic Jam. Come join us!...
So here I join the 21st century. An upgrade from reverbnation. You can still find me on FB jeffmichelsmusic, or folkadelic jam. Also on...